Wrong Or Wright

Holly Brians Ragusa
1 min readApr 13, 2021


Photo screen shot public use by Holly Brians Ragusa

For Daunte Wright

Lost to his future

Stolen from his safety

Sent out to the world

Through his tragic end

Daunte was Wright

In a world gone so wrong

Mother hears final moments

Of a son she loved with

A Grandson to inherit

Mistakes in a past that

Might allow second chances

If humanity hadn’t painted

Them so dark

There’s less laughter now

There’s more rage

There’s another Daunte out there

Growing without a father

To root them in this Earth

To raise them above the hate

They’ll encounter on the way

A child forever bound to their pain

Bindings still, in the cycle of centuries

And a news cycle that will churn it

Every anniversary of his death

Ringing injustice in ears for eternity

Countries bound by fear breed

Accidents that aren’t accidental

Born in a system

That was always going to kill

A child like Daunte



Holly Brians Ragusa

Poet-Author-Family Ringleader- Late Bloomer- Advocate for Arts/Ed/History/Kindness #FactOverFiction #HelpHumanityGoViral #AmWriting She/Her